Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bose-Einstein Condensate explaining a new state of matter...

Hey all :) back with another interesting fact that i came across... I ended up reading about this fact when i wrote the Secret about Einstein's brain...

And whats so interesting that I started digging and came up with this post?

Watch this self-explanatory video..

Yeah we cant stand another Financial Crisis / IT down fall :) So thought of reading something about this, which might give a fair idea of PLAN B in case of any crisis and failure of a PLAN A ;)

The above video made me curious to read more about this and the interesting fact behind this is the new state of matter mentioned by the Physicist, Mr. Sathyendra Nath Bose. He is an Indian physicist and mathematician, who provided this theory in 1920. Below video answers the open question left by the first one :)

I'm really not good at Physics and hence thought of not trying to explain this condensate and confuse everyone :) The video below shows an excellent explanation of the Bose-Einstein Condensate

Its amazing how he wrote this theory in 1920 without any means to test the behavior of atoms in absolute zero. I know you are puzzled with the PLAN A & PLAN B that i mentioned above. Its nothing great or any secret. PLAN A is something which is happening now and PLAN B is the backup to replace PLAN A, when it fails :) Both the scenarios are explained by Michio in the video below. How is BEC going to help the world in the future?

Looks like Bose has already proposed a solution or at least base for finding the solution for a potential problem that the world will face in the next century...

For Further Reading...

Sathyendra Nath Bose in wiki
Bose-Einstein Condensate in wiki in wiki
Bose-Einstein Statistics in wiki.
Bose Gas and Bosons(Sub atomic particles named after Bose) in wiki

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